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Hohhot City , Inner Mongolia

Hohhot City

The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, rich and beautiful. Inner Mongolia has a population of about 23 millions, including 3.8 millions Mongolian people and more than 800.000 people of other ethnic minorities. It has an area of 1.183.000 square kilometres. Hohhot is the capital of the autonomous region. Hohhot sometimes spelled Huhehot or Huhhot.
The climate is arid, with a cold winter, a hot summer. Winter temperatures generally go as low as -25C while summer temperatures can sometimes rise up above 30C exspecially in July and August.

Hohhot is a popular destination for tourists during the summer months (best time to visit is on July & August) because of the main reason for most visitors to Inner Mongolia is for a grasslands and dessert experience.

Food specialty in Hohhot city is mostly focused on Mongolian cuisine and dairy products such as milk, yogurt, butter, ice cream, etc. The Mongolian drink suutei tsai (milk tea) which has become a typical breakfast selection for anyone living or visiting the city.

Popular destinations:
Xilamuren Grassland
Kubuqi Dessert
Wang Zhao Jun's Tomb
Genghis Khan's Mausoleum
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